
Thanksgiving Cards

Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated each year on Fourth Thursday of the month November at the end of harvest season to thank god for good crop and prosperity. This day is mainly celebrated in America and other nearby countries. The reason behind thanksgiving celebration is to through a feast for all people who contribute in the harvest crop and collectively pray god to keep his hand over all of us. So, enjoy this day with a turkey feast and company of all dear people. Forward these thanksgiving day cards for real pleasure and fun of its celebration.
First Thanksgiving Card Free Thanksgiving Greeting Card
Free Thanksgiving Cards

Children's Day Cards

November 14 is celebrated as Children's Day in India since it is the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, who was very fond of Children. His love for little kids was very vast which keep him always in the company of kids and children. Let us all celebrate his passion and love for children through these Children's Day Cards designed specialy for little kids and children. Let us all raise a voice for education, food and better environment for each and every child of India.
Happy Children's Day Children's Day Cards Children's Day ECards

Day of the Dead Cards

Day of the Dead is a festival celebrated each year on 1st and 2nd November in Mexico to remember the dead people or ancestors. Its a time when offer goods, flowers, skulls are offered at the graves of deceased adults and children. People pray souls of dead people to visit their house and enjoy the food, drinks and party thrown for them. It's a time to remember people who left this World and went to god's house. We pray for all dead peoples. People can send these day of the dead cards to their beloved ones in remembrance of their dead ancestors and dead lovely people.
Day of the Dead Cards Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead in Mexico